Jean-Michel Gracies

Jean-Michel Gracies je profesorem a přednostou na Oddělení Rééducation Neurolocomotrice v Hôpitaux Universitaires Henri Mondor ve francouzském Créteil, kde iniciuje a vede nové neurorehabilitační programy a klinické výzkumné projekty především na poli spastické parézy, parkinsonských syndromů, tremoru, periferní obrny lícního nervu a dalších extrapyramidových onemocnění. Dr. Gracies je světově uznávaný odborník na poli pohybové neurorehabilitace. Mezi jeho dosud publikované zásadní příspěvky patří design, validace a popularizace Tardieuho škály, kterou později začlenil do konceptu 5-Step Clinical Assessment of Spastic Paresis (Klinické vyšetření spastické parézy v 5 krocích), dále definice fenoménu spastické ko-kontrakce a zhodnocení jejího významu jakožto nejzávažnějšího symptomu spastické parézy, a konečně koncept Dohody o reedukačním tréninku, který nachází využití zejména u pacientů se spastickou parézou, ale také u dalších závažných chronických onemocnění. Dr. Gracies je v současné době mezinárodním koordinátorem studií zkoumajících spasticitu s užitím botulotoxinu. Dr. Gracies přednáší po celém světě o patofyziologii a léčbě spastické parézy, neurorehabilitaci u Parkinsonovy nemoci, terapii třesu s využitím botulotoxinu a posilovacího cvičení a programovacích metodách u hluboké mozkové stimulace (DBS)




PM&R, Neurorehabilitation, CHU Henri Mondor, Créteil

Obor: Neurologie a neurorehabilitace, Titul: Prof.

2004 – 2007

United states medical licensing Examination

Step 1, 2CK, 2CS, 3


University Paris VI

Obor: Neurofyziologie, Titul: PhD.


University Paris VI

Obor: Neurologie, Titul: M.D.



Obor: Neurologie


University Paris VI

Obor: Neuroanatomie, Titul: MSc.


Educational Comission for Foreign Medical Graduates

Foreign Medical Graduate Examination: Medical Sciences


University Paris VI

Obor: Biomatematika a statistika, Titul: MSc.


Dosavadní zaměstnání

od 2007


PM&R, Neurorehabilitation, CHU Henri Mondor, Créteil

2002 – 2007

zástupce ředitele

Neurologie, Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York, USA

1999 – 2007

Asistent pro obor neurologie

Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York, USA

1993 – 1994


Oddělení Neurorehabilitace, Hôpital La Salpétrière, Paris

1989 – 1994

lektor pro obor neurologie

Conférencier d’Internat, Paris

1987 – 1994


Záchranná služba (S.A.M.U.)

1987 – 1992


Interne des Hôpitaux de Paris


Odborná činnost

od 1997


Brain, Exp Br Res, Stroke, Mov Dis, Muscle Nerve, Clin Neuropharm, J Neural Trans, Arch Phys Med Rehab, Clin Neurophys, Am J Phys Med Rehabil, Journal of Neurol, Neurosurg and Psychiatry

od 1998


International Movement Disorders Society Allergan Spasticity Advisory Panel Elan Spasticity

od 1998


Advisory Panel Allergan/Comed Advances in Spasticity

od 1998


Neurotoxin Institute

2003 – 2006


Cena Učitel roku, cena pro učitele Excellence, studentská cena Outstanding Clinical Faculty Award

(v rámci působení v Mount Sinai School of Medicine)

2001 – 2004

člen redakční rady

Journal of Neural Transmission

1995 – 1996

Post-Doc stipendista

Fondation Simone et Cino Del Duca

1995 – 1996

Post-Doc stipendista

INSERM: “Bourse d’Echanges”


vyznamenaný (summa cum laude)

Doktorská dizertace „Propriospinální dráhy u lidí“ na University Paris VI


Výherce (Stříbrná medaile)

Diplomová práce „Etiologie a rizikové faktory CMP u mladých jedinců“ na University Paris VI, Všeobecné lékařství



Stipendista v rámci doktorského studia

Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale


Stipendista v rámci magisterského studia

Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale

1997 – dosud


Brain, Exp Br Res, Stroke, Mov Dis, Muscle Nerve, Clin Neuropharm, J Neural Trans, Arch Phys Med Rehab, Clin Neurophys, Am J Phys Med Rehabil, Journal of Neurol, Neurosurg and Psychiatry

1998 – dosud


International Movement Disorders Society Allergan Spasticity Advisory Panel Elan Spasticity

1998 – dosud


Advisory Panel Allergan/Comed Advances in Spasticity

1998 – dosud


Neurotoxin Institute


Významné studijní pobyty a stáže


stáž na Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute, Sydney

(prof. Burke)


stáž na oddělení Neurology-Movement Disorders, Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York, USA (prof. Olanow)


Publikace (pouze vybrané tituly):


Gracies JM, Blondel R, Gault-Colas C, Bayle N. Contrat d’Autorééducation Guidée dans la parésie spastique. De Boeck éditions, ©Association Neurorééducation en Mouvement, 2013.


Odborné studie

Amirali A, Mu L, Gracies JM, Simpson DM. Anatomical Localization of Motor Endplate Bands in the Human Biceps Brachii. In: J Clin Neuromusc Dis 2007/9(2):306-312.

Archer J, Gracies JM, Touver E, Crimmins DS, Olgart BS, Milder DG. Bilateral optic disk pallor following unilateral internal carotid occlusion. In: Neurology 1998/50(3):809-811 .

Bayle N, Gracies JM. Management of deforming spastic paresis. In: Selzer at al. (eds.), Textbook of Neural Repair and Rehabilitation, Cambridge University Press, 2013, v tisku.

Bayle N, Gracies JM. The Syndrome of Deforming Spastic Paresis: Pathophysiology, Assessment and Treatment. In: Cerebral Palsy In Infancy: Optimizing Development Of Functional Motor Performance, Roberta B. Shepherd, Ed, Elsevier Health Sciences, 2013, v tisku.

Brashear A, Zafonte R, Corcoran M, Galvez-Jimenez N, Gracies JM, Gordon MF, McAfee A, Ruffing K, Thompson B, Williams M, Lee CH, Turkel C.  Inter- and intrarater reliability of the Ashworth Scale and the Disability Assessment Scale in patients with upper-limb poststroke spasticity. In: Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2002/83(10):1349-1354.

Burke D, Gracies JM, Mazevet D, Meunier S, Pierrot-Deseilligny E. Convergence of descending and various peripheral inputs onto common propriospinal-like neurones in man. In: J Physiol (Lond) 1992/449:655-671.

Burke D, Gracies JM, Mazevet D, Meunier S, Pierrot-Deseilligny E. Non-monosynaptic transmission of the cortical command for voluntary movement in man. In: J Physiol (Lond) 1994/480:191-202.

Burke D, Gracies JM, Meunier S, Pierrot-Deseilligny E. Changes in presynaptic inhibition of afferents to propriospinal-like neurones in man during voluntary contractions. In: J Physiol (Lond) 1992/449: 673-687.

Cubo E, Gracies JM, Benabou R, Olanow CW, Raman R, Leurgans S, Goetz CG. Early Morning Off-Medication Dyskinesias, Dystonia, and Choreic Subtypes. In: Arch Neurol 2001/58(9):1379-1382.

Dunne JW, Gracies JM, Hayes M, Zeman B, Singer BJ. A prospective, multicentre, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of onabotulinumtoxin A to treat plantarflexor/invertor overactivity after stroke. In: Clin Rehabil 2012/26(9):787-797.

El Helou A, Bastuji-Garin S, Paillaud E, Gracies JM, Skalli W, Decq P. Determinants for the Use of Ambulation Aids in a Geriatric Rehabilitation Care Unit: A Retrospective Study. In: J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2012/13(3):279-283.

El Helou A, Gracies JM, Decq P, Skalli W. Estimating foot inertial parameters: A new regression approach. In: Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). 2012/27(3):299-305.

Germano IM, Gracies JM, Weisz DJ, Tse W, Koller WC, Olanow CW. Unilateral stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus in Parkinson disease: a double-blind 12-month evaluation study. In: J Neurosurg. 2004/101(1):36-42.

Gracies  JM, Meunier S, Pierrot-Deseilligny E, Simonetta M. Pattern of propriospinal-like excitation to different species of human upper limb motoneurones. In: J Physiol (Lond) 1991/434:151-167.

Gracies JM, Bayle N, Vinti M, Alkandari S, Vu P, Loche CM, Colas C. Five-step clinical assessment in spastic paresis. In: Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2010/46(3):411-421.

Gracies JM, Burke K, Clegg NJ, Browne R, Rushing C, Fehlings D, Matthews D, Tilton A, Delgado MR. Reliability of the Tardieu scale for assessing spasticity in children with cerebral palsy. In: Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2010/91(3):421-428.

Gracies JM, Fitzpatrick R, Wilson L, Burke D, Gandevia SC. Lycra garments designed for patients with upper limb spasticity: mechanical effects in normal subjects. In: Arch Phys Med Rehab 1997/78:1066-1071.

Gracies JM, Lugassy M, Weisz DJ, Vecchio M, Flanagan S, Simpson, DM. Botulinum toxin dilution and endplate targeting in spasticity:  A double-blind controlled study. In: Arch Phys Med Rehab 2009/90:9-16.

Gracies JM, Marosszeky JE, Renton R, Sandanam J, Gandevia SC, Burke D. Short-term effects of dynamic Lycra splints on upper limb in hemiplegic patients. In: Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2000/81:1547-1555.

Gracies JM, Meunier S, Pierrot-Deseilligny E. Evidence for corticospinal excitation of human propriospinal-like neurones. In: J Physiol (Lond) 1994/475:509-518.

Gracies JM, Pierrot-Deseilligny E, Robain G. Evidence for further recruitment of group I fibres with high stimulus intensities when using surface electrodes in man. In: EEG Clin Neurophysiol 1994/93:353-357.

Gracies JM, Simpson DM. Spastic Dystonia. In: Brin MF, C Comella, J Jankovic (eds.), Dystonia: Etiology, Classification, and Treatment. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2004.

Gracies JM, Tse W, Lugassy M, Frank J. Strategies for Physical Exercise in PD. In: Aminoff, Boller, Schwab (eds.), Parkinson’s disease and related disorders. Handbook of Clin Neurol Series, 3rd ed Vol.84.. Series Ed, W Koller. Elsevier 2007.

Gracies JM. [Neurorehabilitace u parkinsonských syndromů], in: Rev Neurol (Paris). 2010;166(2):196-212 [francouzsky].

Gracies JM. Pathophysiology of Spastic Paresis. Part I. Paresis and Soft Tissue Contracture. In: Muscle Nerve 2005/31(5):535-551.

Gracies JM. Pathophysiology of Spastic Paresis. Part II. The Emergence of Muscle Overactivity. In: Muscle Nerve 2005/31(5):552-571.

Gracies JM. Physiological effects of botulinum toxin in spasticity. In: Mov Dis 2004/19(S8):120-128.

Hälbig TD, Assuras S, Creighton J, Borod JC, Tse W, Frisina PG, Voustianiouk A, Gracies JM, Olanow CW. Differential role of dopamine in emotional attention and memory: Evidence from Parkinson's disease. In: Mov Disord 2011/26(9):1677-1683.

Hälbig TD, Borod JC, Frisina PG, Tse W, Voustianiouk A, Olanow CW, Gracies JM. Emotional processing affects movement speed. In:  J Neural Transm 2011/118(9):1319-1322.

Hälbig TD, Creighton J, Assuras S, Borod JC, Tse W, Gracies JM, Foldi NS, Kaufmann H, Olanow CW, Voustianiouk A. Preserved emotional modulation of motor response time despite psychomotor slowing in young-old adults. In: Int J Neurosci 2011/121(8):430-436.

Hälbig TD, Kopp UA, Wodarz F, Borod JC, Gracies JM, Ebersbach G, Kupsch A. Dopaminergic modulation of emotional memory in Parkinson's disease. In: J Neural Transm. 2008/115(8):1159-1163.

Hutin E, Pradon D, Barbier F, Bussel B, Gracies JM, Roche N. Walking Velocity and Lower Limb Coordination in Hemiparesis. In: Gait Posture 2012/36(2):205-211.

Hutin E, Pradon D, Barbier F, Gracies J-M, Bussel B, Roche N. Lower limb coordination in hemiparetic subjects: impact of botulinum toxin injections into rectus femoris. In: Neurorehabil Neural Repair 2010/24:442-449.

Hutin E, Pradon D, Barbier F, Gracies JM, Bussel B, Roche N. Lower limb coordination in hemiparetic subjects: impact of botulinum toxin injections into rectus femoris. In: Neurorehabil Neural Repair. 2010/24(5):442-449.

Hutin E, Pradon D, Barbier F, Gracies JM, Bussel B, Roche N. Lower limb coordination patterns in hemiparetic gait: factors of knee flexion impairment. In: Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon) 2011/26(3):304-311.

Kaufmann H, Bhattacharya KF, Voustianiouk A, Gracies JM. Stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus increases heart rate in patients with Parkinson’s disease. In: Neurology 2002/59:1657-1658.

Kiernan MC, Hales JP, Gracies JM, Mogyoros I, Burke D. Paraesthesiae induced by prolonged high frequency stimulation of human cutaneous afferents. In: J Physiol (Lond) 1997/501:461-471.

Kiernan MC, Mogyoros I, Hales JP, Gracies JM, Burke D. Excitability changes in human cutaneous afferents induced by prolonged repetitive axonal activity. In: J Physiol (Lond), 1997/500:255-264.

Mogyoros I, Kiernan M, Gracies JM, Burke D. The effects of stimulus duration on the latency of submaximal nerve volleys. In: Muscle Nerve 1996/19:1354-1356.

Moore ST, MacDougall HG, Gracies J-M, Cohen HS, Ondo WG. Long-term monitoring of gait in Parkinson disease. In: Gait Posture 2007/26(2):200-207.

Moore ST, Macdougall HG, Gracies JM, Ondo WG. Locomotor response to levodopa in fluctuating Parkinson's disease. In: Exp Br Res 2008/184(4):469-478.

Olanow CW, Gracies JM, Goetz CG, Stoessl AJ, Freeman T, Kordower JH, Godbold J, Obeso JA. Clinical pattern and risk factors for dyskinesias following fetal nigral transplantation in Parkinson's disease: A double blind video-based analysis. In: Mov Disord. 2009/24(3):336-343.

Simpson DM, Gracies JM, Graham HK, Miyasaki JM, Naumann M, Russman B, Simpson LL, So Y. Therapeutics and Technology Assessment Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology. Assessment: Botulinum neurotoxin for the treatment of spasticity (an evidence-based review): report of the Therapeutics and Technology Assessment Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology. In: Neurology 2008/70(19):1691-1698.

Simpson DM, Gracies JM, Yablon SA, Barbano R, Brashear A. BoNT/TZD Study Team. Botulinum neurotoxin versus tizanidine in upper limb spasticity: a placebo-controlled study. In: J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2009/80(4):380-385.

Sterio D, Rezai A, Mogilner A, Zonenshayn M, Gracies JM, Kathirithamby K, Beric A. Neurophysiological modulation of the subthalamic nucleus by pallidal stimulation in Parkinson's disease. In: J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2002/72(3):325-328.

Tse W, Cersosimo MG, Gracies JM, Morgello S, Olanow CW, Koller W.  Movement disorders and AIDS: a review. In: Parkinsonism Relat Disord 2004/10(6):323-334.

Tse W, Frisina PG, Hälbig TD, Gracies JM, Liang L, Tarshish C, Lesser G, Neufeld R, Koller WC, Libow LS. The effects of withdrawal of dopaminergic medication in nursing home patients with advanced parkinsonism. In: J Am Med Dir Assoc 2008/9(9):670-675.

Tse W, Libow LS, Neufeld R, Lesser G, Frank J, Dolan S, Tarshish C, Gracies JM, Olanow CW, Koller WC, Halbig TD. Prevalence of movement disorders in an elderly nursing home population. In: Arch Gerontol Geriatr 2008/46(3):359-366.

Tse W, Liu Y, Barthlen GM, Hälbig TD, Tolgyesi SV, Gracies JM, Olanow CW, Koller WC. Clinical Usefulness Of The Parkinson’s Disease Sleep Scale. In: Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2005/11(5):317-321.

Vassel P, Karoubi E, Robain G, Perrigot M, Roman F, Coulomb T, Combes T, Gracies JM, Jacquet M. Evaluation prospective de la rééducation périnéale chez 150 personnes âgées incontinentes, vivant en institution. In: Ann Réadapt Méd Phys (Paris) 1989/31.

Vinti M, Costantino, Bayle N, Simpson DM, Weisz DJ, Gracies JM. Spastic cocontraction in Hemiparesis. Effects of Botulinum Toxin. In: Muscle and Nerve 2012/46(6):917-925.

Vinti M, Couillandre A, Hausselle J, Bayle N, Primerano A, Merlo A, Hutin E, Gracies JM. Influence of Effort Intensity and Gastrocnemius Stretch on Co-contraction and Torque Production in the Healthy and Paretic Ankle. In: Clin Neurophysiol 2013/124(3):528-535.

Wilson LR, Gandevia SC, Inglis JT, Gracies JM, Burke D. Muscle spindle activity in the affected upper limb after a unilateral stroke. In: Brain 1999/122: 2079-2088.

Wilson LR, Gracies JM, Burke D, Gandevia SC. Evidence for fusimotor drive in stroke patients based on muscle spindle thixotropy. In: Neurosci Lett 1999/264(1-3):109-112.

Wissel J, Ward AB, Erztgaard P, Bensmail D, Hecht MJ, Lejeune TM, Schnider P, Altavista MC, Cavazza S, Deltombe T, Duarte E, Geurts AC, Gracies JM, Haboubi NH, Juan FJ, Kasch H, Kätterer C, Kirazli Y, Manganotti P, Parman Y, Paternostro-Sluga T, Petropoulou K, Prempeh R, Rousseaux M, Slawek J, Tieranta N. European consensus table on the use of botulinum toxin type A in adult spasticity. In: J Rehabil Med. 2009/41(1):13-25.